Rods, Rivers, Rafts and Wild Trout!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

NOLS! 2010

This week our shop has been guiding/teaching the drift boat, river floating section of the NOLS fly fishing program. The kids have been great and the fishing has really picked up the last two days for the students. One of the joys of working the NOLS program is that sometimes I get to fish while my students are learning how to row and position a boat for fishing. This is a 19 inch rainbow that slammed a streamer in the middle of the hot day! We had to measure him to see if it was the first 20 incher of the week! Just an inch short, but a solid fish!
This however, was the first legit 2o incher of the week. She worked this pool for over 15 minutes, throwing drys, droppers and finally a big white streamer! Her second cast with the white death ended up being slammed by this monster rainbow! She did an awesome job fighting the fish to the net and finishing the deal!

We had not even floated a mile down river after the monster rainbow and after eating lunch for a while, Gusty hooked up on this monster brown! Same fly as the rainbow! After this fish, she was absolutely hooked on streamer fishing!

July! Fish On!

The fishing in July has been Awesome. The fish have started to chase big streamers with more aggression and commitment. We have been floating the Green the last 5 days and have had great success. The pictures below are all from one trip last weekend with my friend from Green River. It was one of those special days that I will replay over and over in my mind every time I look at these pictures. Below is a picture of a solid brown that chased my streamer 5 feet out into the current and took my bug. This brown slammed the streamer twice and on the second hit, Travis stuck him! Solid fish, Solid fight!
Here is Travis holding another streamer hunger fish. This is one of the nice Cutts we catch on the Green River!

This picture is worth a thousand Bucks. It is my proof that when you fish two streamers, you can sometimes catch two fish. The Rainbow hit first on river left bank. Ran to river right and got into some hard water (current). When I finally brought the fish back to river left, I had two fish on! Two 16 inch trout! One cast! Two streamers! One Rainbow, One Brown! Epic!

This monster Brown was just another solid fish in the boat last weekend. Man, I wish I could float that section again this week, but I will be guiding all week with the NOLS Program. Happy Hook Up!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Double D's!

The Drakes are hatching and fish are looking up! The Green has been fishing great, with lots of action in the mornings and great dry fly fishing all day. Our rivers should start seeing less pressure over the next few weeks as other rivers are starting to fish well. The New Fork has been fishing okay, but not near as well as the Green. I have been floating the Green non-stop for a week now and just got finished floating the upper green today. Drakes are still popping around 10:00 however the hatches are thinning down. Streamer fishing should start to improve over the next few days so get the heavy rods and sinktip lines and hold on! Here is a nice brown caught on a Double D set up while floating the New Fork with a friend. Below is a picture from today. I finally got a chance to take my beautiful wife fishing on the new boat today and she did great. She caught two solid picture fish on drys!

Here is a nice rainbow that I caught while floating with two of favorite fishing buddies. Fishing with family is the best! This meat eating rainbow chased a big white streamer! Yum Yum!

Another picture of a nice New Fork Brown! Happy Casting!