Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day!
Hello to all fisherman out there who are spending this day inside with family and friends. I hope we are all thoughful towards all that we are blessed with daily. The friends in our lives, our loved ones, and this great country to enjoy. Well, today I will enjoy it from the comfort of my house. Sitting next to a warm fireplace, looking out the window at all the fresh snow, and realizing that I have no meetings or places to be today. A great feeling. As for the fishing report. I have not been out for a few weeks due to basketball season kicking off at Pinedale High School. The fishing this fall was great. Lots of big fish, some great streamer action, low fishing pressure, very little crowds on the water, and lots of sunshine. I always love september and october. I look forward to fishing thsi winter below the font. dam and fishing near Cody before April 1st. As for now, Enjoy the Winter and Snow. Have a happy gobble day and enjoy the extra 5 lbs of turkey and gravey you all will eat today, but remember the day will come, this spring, when you will have to take your shirt off in public again!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Fall in Wyoming!
The boat, the water, and a few fly rods casting away at wyoming trout! Does life get any better. This may be the most fun a guy can have with his pants on!
Okay, this may be the fish of the summer, or fall, or maybe both. Over the course of the last month, I have seen some absolutle monster cuttys brought to the net, but this one tops them all! 24 inches, great colors and a great fight!

Here is Tim Scott with a solid 20 inch brown in the same run that we cuaght the monster cutty out of! Big Browns risning to big dry flies! sweet fish Tim!

Here is Tim Scott with a solid 20 inch brown in the same run that we cuaght the monster cutty out of! Big Browns risning to big dry flies! sweet fish Tim!

The fall weather here in Pinedale has been great. This weekend was in the high 70's and sunny! The fishing has been great as well. The full-moon has slowed down the fishin mid day for big browns, but the early morning and late evenings have been epic. I went yesterday on the Green River and had an awesome day with another guide from our shop. Tim Scott, who is one of our top-guides at 2 rivers and I went fishing all day yesterday and had a day for the books. This is the second time we have fished together and both days have been great. maybe we need to get out more together!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Summer Days in Wyoming!

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Rods Bent and Tippets Tight !
I have been all over the place this last week as far as the fishing goes. The upper green, warren to hatchery, walk-wade trips, the lower green! The big bonus was that the fishing was great on every trip. I had a chance to float the green yesterday with Tim Scott (another guide from 2 Rivers) and we had a blast. The fishing was great, the sun as out and the wind was quiet. If i can get the pictures from Tim I will post them. He caught a fatty cutt that had a bullhead in its mouth and I caught a few really nice browns on streamers. Friday, I floated with Peter Evans from Southern California and had a great day dry fly fishing. We boated lots of fish and even caught a 16 inch Brookie near the hatchery! Crazy!
Here are a few pictures from my walk-wade trip on Thursday with an awesome couple! This was one of their first times fly fishing and they spent 3 days with our shop. The both caught a lot of fish and Michelle caught two monster rainbows the day we walk-waded! Way to go! These two fish are real trophy's in any fly-fisherman or woman's book!

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Float Tubes + Sink Line + Leeches = BIG RAINBOWS
So I had a chance to take a break from guiding and visited some family in Idaho last weekend. We stayed a few days in Boise and a few days in Pocatello with my wife's family. Monday, August 3rd my father-in-law and I went float tube'n on one of his favorite lakes near Pocatello. Luckily he had scouted the area the weekend before and had an idea of how the fishing was going to be. We tied a dozen or so leech patterns the night before and headed out early in the morning.
Just to fill you in a little, we are rocking 7 and 8 wt rods, full sinking lines, and fishing these leeches on the bottom of a 35 foot deep lake. We were casting the line out as far as you could, stripping line from the reel until you had all your fly line out and you were into your backing. Then you would start to slowly kick backwards in your float tube and wait to fill a take on your fly, which is 100 feet out and 30 feet deep! Talk about a hook set and fight getting them to the net! We both lost a few fish, but we had a great time. The best fish of the day was the last fish of the day!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Kansas Couple!
I guided on the Green River July 30th with some new clients this year. I hope that they continue to spend more time with us next summer. We had a great time fishing dry flies in the morning, streamers mid-morning, and nymphing in the late afternoon. Mike caught a monster rainbow on a dry fly. I wish I would have had a video of the fight and net job because it was a rodeo!! But in the end, we were taking photos and have a great time! The rainbow measured 22 inches and was the biggest rainbow Mike has caught on a river. Congrats Mike! Great fishing and it was a blast spending time with you on the water.
Lorraine Fulton also caught a beautiful trophy brown trout later in the day on a dropper rig in a deep current pool. The fish ran upstream and wrapped the line around the anchor. Mike was able to reach around the anchor mount and free the fly line so Lorraine could bring it to the net. What a great fish! It measured just shy of 20 inches!
NOLS! Again
Our shop finished the Nols flyfishing program this week. The students were great! Stinky, but fun to be around for a few days. These students have been in the mountains hiking, camping, and fishing the Wind River Mt. near Pinedale for over 20 days before we hook up with them and teach them how to fish from a drift boat and row a boat down a river.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
NOLS! 2010
This week our shop has been guiding/teaching the drift boat, river floating section of the NOLS fly fishing program. The kids have been great and the fishing has really picked up the last two days for the students. One of the joys of working the NOLS program is that sometimes I get to fish while my students are learning how to row and position a boat for fishing. This is a 19 inch rainbow that slammed a streamer in the middle of the hot day! We had to measure him to see if it was the first 20 incher of the week! Just an inch short, but a solid fish!
This however, was the first legit 2o incher of the week. She worked this pool for over 15 minutes, throwing drys, droppers and finally a big white streamer! Her second cast with the white death ended up being slammed by this monster rainbow! She did an awesome job fighting the fish to the net and finishing the deal!
July! Fish On!
The fishing in July has been Awesome. The fish have started to chase big streamers with more aggression and commitment. We have been floating the Green the last 5 days and have had great success. The pictures below are all from one trip last weekend with my friend from Green River. It was one of those special days that I will replay over and over in my mind every time I look at these pictures. Below is a picture of a solid brown that chased my streamer 5 feet out into the current and took my bug.
This brown slammed the streamer twice and on the second hit, Travis stuck him! Solid fish, Solid fight!
Here is Travis holding another streamer hunger fish. This is one of the nice Cutts we catch on the Green River!

This picture is worth a thousand Bucks. It is my proof that when you fish two streamers, you can sometimes catch two fish. The Rainbow hit first on river left bank. Ran to river right and got into some hard water (current). When I finally brought the fish back to river left, I had two fish on! Two 16 inch trout! One cast! Two streamers! One Rainbow, One Brown! Epic!
This picture is worth a thousand Bucks. It is my proof that when you fish two streamers, you can sometimes catch two fish. The Rainbow hit first on river left bank. Ran to river right and got into some hard water (current). When I finally brought the fish back to river left, I had two fish on! Two 16 inch trout! One cast! Two streamers! One Rainbow, One Brown! Epic!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Double D's!
The Drakes are hatching and fish are looking up! The Green has been fishing great, with lots of action in the mornings and great dry fly fishing all day. Our rivers should start seeing less pressure over the next few weeks as other rivers are starting to fish well. The New Fork has been fishing okay, but not near as well as the Green. I have been floating the Green non-stop for a week now and just got finished floating the upper green today. Drakes are still popping around 10:00 however the hatches are thinning down. Streamer fishing should start to improve over the next few days so get the heavy rods and sinktip lines and hold on!
Here is a nice brown caught on a Double D set up while floating the New Fork with a friend. Below is a picture from today. I finally got a chance to take my beautiful wife fishing on the new boat today and she did great. She caught two solid picture fish on drys!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fear No ROCK!
The Summer is offically here in PINEDALE! The rivers are still high but running clear. We floated the upper green today and had great streamer action. The water temp increased to 52 degrees when we loaded the boat.
We had a lot of success, but not much in the way of size. This brown was the biggest of the day. Good old Mavis--- AKA Guide Guy--- guided me right to the fish! LOL! Look for the local rivers to start fishing good to great in a few weeks. I think we are on the edge of having some great summer dry fly action. Our local waters are starting to see the Jackson crowd in bunches. I wonder if the snake river near jackson ran out of water??
Thursday, June 17, 2010
This past week here in Pinedale has brought a dramatic change in the weather. Snow today, rain and 50 mph wind yesterday, 70 degree temp with sunshine on monday and tuesday. The upper green continues to hold clear enough to fish, but gets pretty muddy near warren bridge. The New Fork remains high and off-color. In a few weeks things around pinedale should start clearing up and we should start to see some of our summer hatches on the water. I had family in town this last week and fished a few days with them. Here is a picture of a nice rainbow from this last week on the Green.
This was also the first trip of the year in the new boat. I bought an Outcast PAC 1400. It is sweet! This is also the first fish in the new boat! Congrats Roger! Great Fish!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Rain, Wind, and Clouds!
The fishing around Pinedale this week is going to be slim to none on the local rivers and creeks, due to the high water and run-off. The flows on the new fork and green are crazy high and muddy. Look for the upper sections of the green to clear up first. This section usually clears quickly but maintains to run at a high level, which pushes the fish to the banks and makes for some great streamer fishing. If you are looking for a place to fish this weekend, you may want to head to a still water. Soda lake has been good in the evening when the wind stops blowing. Cast to rising fish with small midges or chronomidges. check back in a few days! Later
Saturday, June 5, 2010
2010 Fishing Coming Soon!
When will the water rise around Pinedale? Hopefully before the fish start too! Our local waters are hurting bad currently. Low water levels are effected more then just the number of floatable trips. However, on the bright side, rumors around town are that the Green is off-color from run-off and starting to rise this weekend. The New Fork is still clear as of today, but I am betting that it too will see some pre-run-off conditions soon. The fishing around pinedale will soon be postponed for a few weeks while we wait for the water to clear, but for the fish's sake, We need water bad! Meanwhile, enjoy some local lakes, ponds or tailwaters for a few weeks. The ice-packed snowdrifts and banks in the Wind River Range will take awhile to break down and clear out the rivers.
Here is my biggest brown trout to date. An absolute monster. Hooked jaw male brown that measured 27 inches and was figured near 10 lbs. My amazing wife even drove out to my fishing hole to take photos for me. This fish still swims the local lake and hopefully someone else will have the joy of catching him someday! Catch and Release is the only way to go!
Save the Best 4 Last!
Here is another trip in July. Fishing started at 5:00 am. Streamers worked early! dries later in the afternoon.

Same trip as the photo above, but this wild cutty was fooled by a super trude! Nice fish hold! Now toss Him up!

Same trip as the photo above, but this wild cutty was fooled by a super trude! Nice fish hold! Now toss Him up!
2009 Summer!

All-right! Who says that all in-laws are bad! My father-in-law with a monster early season brown. Big-POPPA-roger-DOG was killing the browns with streamers this day! This fish was a solid 20 inches but still skinny from the iced over winter.
Hard to beat some of the fishing we had last summer! Big Trout almost every trip!
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